Read Me! Plum Logger , hope it helps your nets and ECOMM drills. Free...

To Start: No Login required for your NET users to see whose active in any NET,  add notes and times *
*** Allow "Pop-ups' on this web site "Always"  or links won't work ***

You can use on a small screen like a phone, but best on a tablet or full screen.
2 part search now to accomidate growing list.
Select your NET keyword or CALL  use a few letters or type like ARES , club name. Leave blank for all.
 then see dates of saved net days. Click to view.
You can direct access your net using URL (use your net ID # )
You can direct access your net Login using URL

If net is going on today, the active list appears automatically.
The list starts in check-in order, but can be sorted by any field.
Optionally current/last QSO is noted LIVE in purple [* * *]
Re-checks or not heard [*TL*] =TryLater
[View Map] See where everyone is from and status.
Status like: Pre-Net check-in, No Traffic, Echolink/ HotSpot (EL/HtSp), NCS and comments noted.
WL = Has Winlink messaging,  ARRL = ARRL appointment VE, EC=Emergency Coordinators, A=Assistant, D=District, S=Section leader
(Pre-Net check-ins are helpful for NCO who’s on-air already - less stressful and good for rag chew)
During Nets make sure [Auto refresh] is checked. Or use manual [Refresh]

For the NCO admin: Requires Login.
You can sign-up your Club and become the "Admin" automatically.
You get a password by email, which you can change.
Or use Contact Me page and email me your Club's info - I'll set you up.
Once you log in, you can assign passwords for other NCO and Admins.
If you don't get the password email - check Spam and email me.
For quick start, I'd add your regular members in an earlier date - like 4/1/2022, just type in call sign in ck-in box.
This puts everyone in master list with all their info from FCC. After that you can just click on to [*CKIN*].
You can note ARRL classifications like VE,EC,AEC,DEC
You can note  NCS, Club VIP or Winlink, WX station, if bakup PWR and SKywarn, ARRL designation: VE, EC etc.
Map is automatically set up.

Get a log-in from your Admin or contact us to start logging.
Select your net, then Login.
* Read  notes and try the links on each page - lots of goodies...
Add many Preambles (differnet nets), notes for your NCO to view.
Net Admin can edit or add Web page or Preamble..
Select Add/Edit check-ins In check-in Page:
For practice once before you have a real net *  you can select another day besides today to test.
Check-in all your regular hams - in earlier date  -  so they show in the master list to easy [*CKIN*] during the net with just a Click.
Else you just have to type their call signs.
To Manually add>>
ADD CALLSIGN: in the adjacent text box then you can just click [Add Ck-in]
and or add a comment at that time, you can edit later.
This comment everyone sees in front page and Map as the Net develops.
You will start noticing the master list below filling in as you have nets.
This will be the permanent MASTER LIST  list of all your Net members.
You can [Search Call] in MASTER LIST using a partial callsign like "JJ" to find callsign K2JJK.
It even finds call signs not in your master list.
Easy to Click to add them for check-n next net rather than typing in a call sign.
you can delete any check-in in the top current check-in list - delete link on right, If you are not in edit mode.
Remember to click [Update] to save any changes if editing.
[Add/Update] button in check-in screen will add a new call sign, if you [check] <-Get new info, it will get Hams new address and Lon/Lat from FCC DB.
Call signs in master list don't show unless Ham has checked-in ever to your net.
Suggestion: Always check in yourself and any loggers/ relay NCOs first. -  at start of the net. It will show at bottom and position sorts work better.
Look for Count of total ck-is for the day after [Add Ck-in] button

The NCO can have someone else log for them, more than one person can be logging in check-ins, - it rejects duplicates.

Sorted list position:
Select   [Move]  then move to  ⬇ Under,  ⬆ Over your selection    ⬇ Desending  is prefered default sort decending.   ⬆  Ascending order 
The Up/Down arrows can be used separately, but if moving more than one place, please use [FROM] and [TO] buttons.
On front screen its in ck-in decending, but you can sort in any order - clicking top of column - far clolumn right is the sort order the NCO is using.

Remember if you are the NCO, WAIT "Breath" between calls, give ample time for Echolink to respond. No need to rush.
Remind people to drop call after 2 mins during long speech  :-D   for repeater and especially for echolink 4 seconds.

You can't mess up...

All you need is the call sign, and we give you First Name, Grid, Location, Lon Lat
for club's use. You can add a Comment for each check-in everyone sees.
After you get most check-ins the first time
You can just click the list and - auto check-ins that Ham,
shows you first name and location, and any Map Notes saved
can be seen in the permanent MAP Notes field.
Archives all sessions.
EL/HotSp = Echolink/ HotSpot, not RF, WL=WinLink, ARRL = ARRL appointment VE, EC=Emergency Coordinatorsl. A=Assistant, D=District, S=Section
TryLtr=Try Later, Re-check or No Answer when called.

Repeater, Shelters, Assets: You can add on your Map but kept private.
Shelters, Schools, Medical , Fire Police , EOC centers can be mapped etc.
If intersted in this feature, please contact us.

Maps: Shows all check-ins from Date entered, Mouse over or Click for more info.
After entering a date on the Map, hit the [Refresh] Button to update the Map.
If [ This day only ] checked: Only this day's Ck-ins are Mapped but additionally includes Check-in comment from NCO for that Day's Net.

Map set up: allows you to set ZOOM level, Map center.
and short Club description for your members about your net.
UTC or Local time Offset can be set for club location.
Anyone can choose either.
Map shows all your members ever checked in or enter a date to see current check-in.
Map note field can be used to show a check-in status or duties in an event.
e.g. ARES ECOMM Test - locating facilities or active stations, or Simplex test.
Map shows if Winlink, Skywarn and backup Power capable and ARRL appointments,
Comments are saved for that check-in day - and different for each date a member checks-in
A Map Note is a permanent Note that the NCO can view and shows on MAP Marker.
MAP marker is RED is NCO for the day if day Map checked, else in summary view uses master list for who
are NCOs or VIP for a club to mark RED.

Download or Print: Select date - then pick and choose fields and order you wish to download your check-in list to Excel.
Or just copy and paste in CSV format.
List order and field selection will be kept in your browser's cookie memory for next time.
Date range option available.
Mini Club Web Page* Add NET and POTA times and freq:
There is an easy-to-use WYSIWYG HTML page editor where you can
make your own Club's information web page.
e.g., for NCO schedule, meetings, and events.
The shows up when anyone the enters the web site and select you net.

CERT Organizations: (Community Emergency Readiness Team)
If you designate your Org as CERT you don't need call signs, just a User ID
e.g. ID could be Area and Member number like ABC002.
But you will have to manually enter address and Lon/LAT to show on a Map.
This section still in beta as reviews and features get added.

Possible Issues:
Make sure you allow Popups for this web site, or buttons won't seem to work.
Don't use old Safari Browser (It’s unreliable in many ways)
Any other web browser, operating system or version will work.
If Screen freezes or has error, just re-start. This can be caused by momentary loss of internet or cell signal.

More to come...  many more cool features on drawing board.

Comments, and suggestions appreciated. Use Contact Me Link.
We can easy program new features, so don't be afraid to ask.

Have fun!
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